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I am not sure how some properties of CMS pick-ups could be handled automatically by various software packages:

  1. How does your software handle self-intersecting faces inside the solid?
  2. When you hit water with the laser at a certain angle, the laser sometimes bounces off like a mirror and you get the correct angles from the laser but an erroneous distance.
  3. When the laser hits a bolt or screen sticking out from the back or wall into the stope void it will register as a point on the CMS.
  4. What happens when you have two CMSs taken from different locations and one is smaller than the other at one end of the stope and larger at the other end when viewed in section. Which one do you choose, ie How do you handle the shadows?
  5. What happens when a CMS hits backfill. Sometimes no reading.
  6. I can´t think of how an algorithm could be designed to compensate for all of these features. What I can understand is that an algorithm could be designed for:
  1. Selecting the farthest points away from the location of the laser and eliminating the others but this may not be what you need;
  2. Eliminating extraneous points.
  3. I think in today´s world drill sections and therefore blast hole drilling should be in 3D.

Conclusion : I would take the raw CMS, overlay it on the drill sections and manually draw a polylines. Then create a new solid and compare it to the design solid to report on dilution and mining recovery, which I call percent mined to avoid confusion with metallurgical recoveries.

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